Sweet baby James Manwaring! Went to his blessing on Sunday. He helps me remember why I am crazy enough to endure all the puking. Thanks Kendra for sharing him with me... and thanks again for the delicious meal in the hospital!
Here is a quick update...
The Zofran stopped working for me. In fact, I am probably sicker than I have been before... I didn't keep anything down for 48 hours, and puke like clockwork, every hour. It very well may have something to do with serious sleep deprivation from last week's event and my barf-tolerance beginning to fade. I am finally in my 14th week and into the "safe zone", so as soon as the "all-day" sickness wants to leave, I am ready! Dr. Anderson kindly gave me a new prescription, Phenergan, which seems to be working. No barf in 18 hours makes me a happy woman! But, the darn medicine makes me so tired I literally fell asleep in between every single bite of oatmeal this morning. :)
Matt is one organ short now, thanks to the lovely event that took place last week! I think part of him was afraid to complain of how badly he felt when his wife had permanently staked claim next to the toilet for the last 2 months. But, when I walked into the living room and saw him literally rolling on the floor in pain, I figured we had no choice but to get him to the ER, quickly. So, off we went... me in my barf-encrusted PJs at 1:00pm and Matt, stark white, in some serious pain. They scooped him straight back into surgery after the CT came back with the obvious... Appendicitis. We spent the next 2 days in the hospital where I uncomfortably slept with my growning belly hanging off the side of his bed, Matt sprawled out and zonked from the narcotics. I can assure you it takes some serious love and devotion to "snuggle" up next to an unshowered, drugged up hubby when all you want to do is barf! I had to literally FORCE him to stay home from work the next day. Two days later, after a painful morning for him, I found him sneaking off to work... the guy won't sit still! Thank goodness for doctors... I had to specifically ask the doctor to ban Matt from our softball games for 2 weeks to avoid engaging in the battle and a Matt developing a hernia through his inscisions! Haha... he is doing great now and counting down the days until he can finally flex his stomach again!